2020 Agenda - All Timings PST

15:00 | Tuesday 13th October 2020

Protecting IoT Edge Devices from Hacking & The Method to Protect Them

Edge Developers Conference

As the IoT connectivity continues to increase to 25 Billion devices and beyond. The global market size will reach over $1.5 Trillion in 2025. It is becoming more apparent that the devices need to be secured beyond simple authentication. There are 3 main concerns for edge devices: 1. Device connectivity with the Physical World. 

  1. Ability to access devices, how to control and monitor these devices. Many edge devices cannot be accessed or managed in the same ways conventional IT devices can. 
  2. Cybersecurity and control Efficiency. The devices can be low cost therefore it is a challenge to fully implement PKI due to cost of device. And the effectiveness of cybersecurity capabilities is much different for edge devices than conventional IT devices. The real type of attacks including; Firmware, side-channel, remote code execution will be presented along with the approaches to be taken to protect against these attacks.