2020 Agenda - All Timings PST

14:00 | Tuesday 13th October 2020

OGC SensorThings API: Communicating “Where” in the Edge and Cloud Computing

Edge Developers Conference
The real potential of the Internet of Things (IoT) and the Web of Things (WoT), like the potential of the Internet itself, lies in a richly connected “systems of systems”. The IoT is  like an orchestra capable of playing multiple musical compositions simultaneously. Interoperable IoT standards are critical to realizing the hidden potential of the IoT.
The phrase “spatial is special” is almost always relevant to IoT data. From a geographical information perspective, every sensor has a location, and any sensor observation without contextual geospatial data is almost useless. Geospatial interoperability—communicating location information and/or integrating it with location information from IoT edge devices—is thus a critical requirement for any organization to build IoT applications.
This talk will present the OGC SensorThings API, a standard-based unified framework enabling the interoperability among disparate IoT edge and cloud systems. The OGC SensorThings API has been widely adopted around the world to interconnect disparate IoT systems. We will also present innovative use cases in oil and gas, mining, public safety and industrial logistics. In addition, we will also share our experiences in using our leadership in IoT standardization and interoperability to create a unique product differentiation, and successfully attract venture capital investments. Join the talk to learn how some of the world’s most demanding and asset-intensive organizations use SensorThings API and SensorUp to significantly improve operational efficiency and safety.